What is Ascension?
Ascension is a spiritual journey that calls us to elevate our consciousness, transcend ego-based thinking, and align with divine truth. While different teachers and traditions have various ways of describing the process, the core message remains the same: Ascension is about transforming our awareness and connecting more deeply with our divine essence. Drawing from the teachings of Joshua David Stone, Djwal Khul (as presented through Alice Bailey), and Jesus’s lessons in A Course in Miracles (ACIM), we can understand Ascension as a personal and collective journey toward spiritual evolution.
The Meaning and Purpose of Ascension
At its heart, Ascension involves raising one’s consciousness from lower vibrational states, such as fear, separation, and ego-driven desires, into higher dimensions of awareness grounded in love, unity, and divine understanding. Each of these spiritual leaders emphasizes this shift, though they express it through slightly different lenses.
Joshua David Stone describes Ascension as a process of spiritual evolution in which individuals elevate their energy and consciousness to align with divine love, peace, and higher spiritual truths. His teachings focus on using meditation, inner work, and adopting higher vibrational behaviors to integrate one's physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies with their higher self. Ascension, in this context, is about developing spiritual mastery and learning how to live in alignment with one’s divine purpose.
Similarly, Djwal Khul, as conveyed through Alice Bailey, frames Ascension as an evolutionary path in which the soul progresses through various stages of initiation. Each stage represents a deeper integration with the divine plan and universal truths. Ascension here involves transcending the limitations of the personality and ego to align with the higher self and, eventually, with the divine essence. The purpose, according to Khul, is not just personal enlightenment but also service to humanity. By raising their consciousness, individuals can contribute to the spiritual awakening of humanity and help elevate the collective planetary consciousness.
Jesus’s teachings in A Course in Miracles also emphasize Ascension as a process of inner transformation. However, Jesus shifts the focus to a profound change in perception, where individuals move from fear and separation toward love and unity. In A Course in Miracles, Ascension is described as the process of remembering one’s divine nature and recognizing the inherent oneness of all creation. Through the practice of forgiveness and letting go of ego illusions, we awaken to our true identity as extensions of God’s love. The ultimate goal of Ascension, according to ACIM, is to return to full awareness of God’s love, achieving peace and salvation by dissolving the ego’s false beliefs.
Common Themes in Ascension Practices
Across these teachings, several common themes emerge about the purpose and benefits of Ascension practices:
1. Healing and Transcending the Ego: All three perspectives highlight the importance of transcending ego-based thinking. Whether it's through the forgiveness practices of A Course in Miracles, the meditative practices described by Joshua Stone, or the initiatory stages outlined by Djwal Khul, the journey begins with releasing fear, guilt, and separation. This healing allows individuals to move into a higher state of being, where they can live more fully in alignment with love and divine purpose.
2. Spiritual Mastery and Growth: Ascension is a process of spiritual evolution, where individuals progressively develop greater mastery over their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. As Stone describes, this involves adopting higher vibrational practices, while Khul emphasizes the stages of initiation that lead to greater spiritual responsibility and service. In both teachings, spiritual growth is a journey of aligning one’s actions and intentions with divine truth.
3. Unity and Oneness: The core of Ascension lies in recognizing the oneness of all creation. For Jesus, this realization comes through the practice of forgiveness, where individuals learn to see beyond the illusions of separation. Djwal Khul also emphasizes that Ascension involves recognizing and fulfilling one’s role within the greater spiritual plan, which ultimately leads to unity with the divine. Stone’s teachings similarly focus on aligning with divine consciousness, allowing individuals to live from a place of peace and love.
The Benefits of Ascension
The benefits of engaging in Ascension practices are profound. By committing to this journey, individuals experience:
Expanded Consciousness: Ascension raises awareness of one's spiritual nature and the interconnectedness of all life. This expanded consciousness allows individuals to move beyond personal desires and align with universal truth.
Inner Peace and Joy: As individuals transcend ego-based fears and align with love, they experience deeper inner peace, emotional healing, and a sense of joy that transcends external circumstances.
Soul Purpose and Clarity: Through the practices taught by these spiritual masters, individuals come into greater alignment with their true spiritual purpose. This alignment brings clarity, meaning, and fulfillment into their lives, as they are able to live in harmony with divine will.
Service to Humanity: Ascension is not solely a personal journey. As one’s consciousness elevates, there is a natural desire to contribute to the spiritual upliftment of others. Whether it’s through direct service, sharing wisdom, or simply radiating love and peace, the Ascension process enables individuals to be channels for divine energy, helping to raise the collective vibration of humanity.
Ascension is an ongoing, transformative journey toward greater spiritual awareness and connection with the divine. Whether understood through Joshua Stone’s focus on spiritual mastery, Djwal Khul’s emphasis on evolutionary initiation, or Jesus’s teachings of forgiveness and oneness in A Course in Miracles, the message is clear: Ascension invites us to transcend the illusions of fear and separation, align with love, and become co-creators in the spiritual awakening of humanity. Through dedication to these practices, we can experience profound shifts in our consciousness, bringing healing, peace, and unity to our lives and the world.
Want to Experience These Techniques Yourself?
If you’ve been feeling the call to deepen your connection to your inner peace and truth, I’d love for you to join me in my upcoming Ascension Training Course, starting November 6th. It will be an incredible journey, and I’d love to have you with us. And don’t worry if you can’t make every session—each class is recorded, so you can revisit the teachings and exercises on your own time, as often as you like.